Ah, the first day of fall. What's on your calendar?
Today is the first day of fall, and it’s got me thinking about my own schedule as I juggle work, family, health and sanity. Are you turning over a new leaf with your business' marketing strategy by focusing in and getting intentional with your time and marketing efforts? As we head into a new season with the rush of the holidays ahead, take a moment to plan your next marketing moves and thus bring some calm into your life. Put them on your calendar and allow time for them. How can you tie the holidays in to various offers or communications with your clients? Plan ahead by creating a schedule for announcing new offers via your social networks or email marketing campaigns. Do you need content? What about art? If you don’t create these yourself, reach out to the pros now and get on their schedule. If you’d like to grow your marketing reach, now could be a good time to add an opt-in election on your website or new customer communications. What about a campaign to thank and reward your past clients? If you’re a creative, are you prepared to market and deliver your products before the holidays? These are just a few things going through my mind. What about you? Do you have any marketing challenges or blocks? Do you have any plans that you haven’t moved on and need some nudging? -deborah