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6 Marketing Truths

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Over the years, the tools for businesses to market their goods and services have changed, but the more things change the more they stay the same. From movable type and newspapers, phone books and radio to the world wide web, guerrilla marketing, social media and e-commerce, marketing remains a process of finding those who need your product and telling them about it – a true connection of sorts. It’s a two way street or relationship wherein these basic truths still matter.

1. Relevance Matters. In order for demand to exist, your product needs to be relevant. How you define relevance is a different story, but buyers need a reason to shell out cash money. Are you offering catering, design services, boutique childrens clothes, professional coaching, fitness? Are you reaching the right customers or reaching those who have no need for your offerings?

2. Truth Matters. Yes, one of truths of marketing is truth. Not truthiness, but real-deal honesty and reliability. Does your product or service deliver what you say it will deliver? Has it been tested? Where was it made? Who made it? Who provides your services? With the advent of the web and social media, the world is much like a small town, and at a time when one bad review can cause a huge loss in revenue, these details matter. You and your marketing should endeavor to be honest and trustworthy.

3. Timing Matters. With over 150,000 patents getting approved annually by the US Patent and Trademark office, the timing of your launch matters. Have you done your research on the market? Does it need you now? Are you early to the party or late?

4. Design Matters. While the number of ad exposures is still debated today – 5K+ per day or 362 per day, the visual representation of your business matters. Will people remember it? Is it beautiful and clean, or is it cluttered and not retainable. The purpose of good design goes way beyond making our world beautiful, it must engage. To be successful, a well-designed website, marketing message or ad or product must connect with, engage with and be noted.

5. Numbers Matter. It’s important to avoid getting too carried away with clicks, views, likes, etc. However, from time-to-time, it is vital to step back and review your analytics and cost analysis. There’s no magic one-size-fits-all to marketing today or for the use of social media, so be sure to test new markets, new tools, etc. If you’re numbers are showing you zero engagement, it's time to move on to try new things.

6. Service & Relationship. While I may sound like a broken record with previous posts, the relationship you forge with your clients will serve you more than any ad campaign will. Reset your mindset around this quote and see how your relationships change.

“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.” - Kenneth B. Elliott

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